Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Fall is finally here....

Fall is finally here, but the fall weather has not been. Oh well. Last weekend, Alex, James and I ran errands on Saturday, played outside and went to dinner. Nothing too exciting. There were all sorts of festivals going on this past weekend, but in the end, the backyard was the most tempting for James. On Sunday, we went and had family pictures taken. Keeping an 18 month still for pictures was difficult to say the least. We got some good ones, I will share with you as soon as I get the e-mail link and I can promise my faithful readers they will get their own copy, b/c we got ALOT of pictures.

In other news, I am very very busy at work and trying not to get to bogged down by it. So, if I don't post for a while it is because I am busy at work and generally do not want to see a computer at night. Also, it is premiere week and alot of good shows are starting that I have to catch, because I am a tv junkie. I also now have DVR which will not help my addiction. more later.



Anonymous said...

Aaaaahhhhh the boredom of being the adult. You go to work, you come home, try to keep up with all of the "chores" and repeat. But there are perks. You get to buy toys like a DVR.

Anonymous said...

Ohh... I want to watch season premieres! Maybe next year. Just kidding... I'm glad things are "boring." Sometimes that's best.

I love cupcakes

Heavy Reading for a One Year Old