Since my last post, things got a little crazy. As most or all my readers know, I had to take an emergency trip to Ohio a few weekends ago. My grandfather fell ill and was given very little time. I was blessed that I got home in time to say goodbye. Grandpa led a long life, had his wits about him when he went, and was ready to go see "Katie". I flew home on Sunday night and Grandpa passed away Monday night/Tuesday morning. I did no go back for the funeral. Since then, I have been catching up on rest and work. Alex and I had planned to go to the Ohio State football game this weekend, but in light of all recent events cancelled the trip. It was heartbreaking putting the tickets in the mail, but someone else will get to enjoy them.
My little guy is doing fine. He has a double ear infection that we are working on with some pretty potent anti-biotics. We have started vitamins to hopefully keep them at bay, but I might talk to the doctor about tubes if this continues.
In happier news, James is growing, he can now reach the light switch in the kitchen if he stands on tiptoes and can turn the light on and off....over and over again. He must have gone through a little growth spurt because he couldn't reach it last week. Also, he has two "new" words. We can now say "baby". We can also call our milk "mak", which is well on our way, and it is an identifiable word.
That is all from here, I will post some new pictures soon.