Monday, February 9, 2009

Alison Mae Darlington

Ok, I know that I have not blogged in forever and this is woefully overdue. As all of my readers probably know, Alison Mae Darlington entered into this world on December 4, 2008. She was 6 lbs and 9 oz. and 19 1/4 inches long. Here are all sorts of pictures. I have tried to go with oldest to the most recent. There are lots! There are also so great pics of James that I had to share. Be sure to scroll all the way down to see pictures taken this very night!

Alison in the delivery room

Wow, doesn't my hair look great after 14 hours of labor!

Sleepy Ali!

Yes, her hair was this dark, but it has begun to lighten up. Still, you can't tell what color it is or will be.

This is how baby girl prefers to sleep. All frogged up.

This is the swing shortly after coming home from the hospital.

This was two weekends ago, hanging out with Alex.

Here she is waving to the camera!

Asleep in the swing again.

Daddy and Ali are chillin!


Ali and Daddy hangin out in Daddy's chair.

And in case you were wondering, I do have another child, here are some James Pics!

Here he is making Christmas cookies with Aunt Anne. They both had lots of fun.

Of course you swing in the snow, come one mom!

Falling down in the snow is funny!

And fun!

And finally, pictures from tonight! James asked to hold Ali, which means I helped James hold Ali, while holding him.

Tickle, Tickle Alison

Say cheese!


Alice said...

Oh and in tickle tickle, why doesn't Ali look tickled?? LOL

Anonymous said...

She is so much bigger than when I saw her! Keep the pictures coming! What your children are doing is infinitely more interesting than what my dogs (and cats) are doing.

I love cupcakes

Heavy Reading for a One Year Old