Thursday, July 9, 2009

I am back....and have a new nephew!

Well, I am so sorry it has been a ridicolously long time since I posted, most of you probably though I gave up on blogging, but no, I am just a little tired in the evenings really. That being said, I thought what better time to reenter the posting world then to announce the arrival of Cale Jacob, my new nephew born at around 6:30 this evening. He is health and BIG. With a head the size of 15 inches! Also, he is 8 lbs. 9 oz. (see my last post, only a pound lighter then my child at 2 months of age). He is also 20 1/2 inches! So welcome to the family Cale, hope you like that Fout nose :)

In other news, my baby celebrated 7 months on July 4th, I cannot believe it. Below is a picture from a few weeks ago. She is now, at last check 16.5 lbs. and still a happy baby.

Here she is a few weeks ago.

James is also doing great. He loves his baby sister and is having fun swimming this summer at the pool.

We did have a busy July 3rd. July 4th was rained out but we had fun at Albi's house (I mean Papa Jay and Alice's house).

July 3rd was first Conner Prairie. I have pictures, they will have to be come later. Computer is not cooperating.

Then ballooning! Here are some pics, I did not get the ones of James loaded before the computer gave out on me, but here are some for viewing!

I will post pics of Cale as soon as I have them!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hooray a Jamie post!! Congrats, Auntie!

I love cupcakes

Heavy Reading for a One Year Old