Friday, February 22, 2008

My Baby is 2 today!

This is a sad but exciting day for me. My little guy is two today. That means that two years ago today, I was about 3 hours into a 11 hour labor, and I had not even met him yet. I love being a parent, James is such a great joy and entertainment to boot. I did not imagine even 5 years ago, that I would nothing more than running around the kitchen island with my son on a Saturday night, but I do!

James started out his day by vomiting, apparently the stomach flu is going around, but he was showing no signs of a fever or otherwise feeling ill. So, we went forward with the day. He went to his two year check-up! He is now 27 lbs and 35 1/2 inches. This means that he is average weight (50th percentile) and above average height (75th percentile). So, he is the same height/weight ratio that he has been since about four months of age. The other good news is that his ears looked great. Some of you may recall that we had to take James to the ENT to get his ears cleaned. Well, the doctor told us to start putting baby oil (about 2-3 drops) in his ears about twice a week. He said this would soften the wax and let it work its own way out. Apparently, q-tips compound the problem. So, we were happy to hear that this little trick seems to be working!

We have a busy weekend a head of us, Grandma Karen and Grandpa Dave are visiting from Ohio (or should be given the weather, but I think they will get here.) Then tomorrow we are having a birthday party with pizza, cake, ice cream and BALOONS! Which means I should have some fun pictures to post soon. Have a great weekend my two loyal readers!


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday James!

And even though I don't comment very often, I am a loyal reader!

Alice said...

Happy birthday to the birthday boy and condolences to Mom! My gift is coming with Grandma Karen!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday James!

And like Sarah, I don't comment much but I read the blog too!

Jenna said...

See, you have four faithful blog readers! :) The whole Doty clan... I hope you are having a fabulous (low-key) birthday party for the very big-boy James!

I love cupcakes

Heavy Reading for a One Year Old