Saturday, February 9, 2008

My little boy

Well, my little boy will be two this month. It is amazing how time flies! Here are some new pictures of the little guy. He has officially taken to his mother's and father's love of the camera.

Here, we have James wearing his daddy shorts.

Here he is coloring this evening. James loves to color, especially since he knows almost all of his colors.

This was very fun, because when I got the camera out this evening, I said "Smile for the camera" James was more than willing to oblige.

Here, he is again, my little blue eyes.


Alice said...

Hum. He's not a baby anymore, is he Mom??

Jenna said...

But he's still cute! I think has, however, officially gone from "Baby James" to "Big Boy James"!

I love cupcakes

Heavy Reading for a One Year Old