Saturday, February 23, 2008

Birthday Pictures

I know, I know, after you recover from shock that I am actually posting pictures from the same day something happened, you can sit back and enjoy the pictures.

Here is James' Birthday Cake.

This is some of the balloons (if you can't tell we had a doggy theme)

James is very impressed and enthralled with this candles.

This is the gratuitous "hot mama" shot. There were some other very PG-13 shots of mommy when she was sitting on floor opening presents with James. These pictures have since been cropped, thank goodness for photo shop. I will remember not to wear this shirt next year.

This is my favorite picture from the day.

He was ready to open his presents.

James was very into opening the presents. He was a little upset with me that I would not open each toy as he unwrapped them, but he got over it as soon as he got to open the next one.

This fire truck was from Grandma Jo. He got a couple of trucks which he loves!

Here is James playing, hesitantly with his cousin Brannon.

This was from Friday night. I am very happy to say that James recognized and took to Grandma and Grandpa in no time.

Finally, a cute picture of James' cousin Brannon. He is a adorable!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am impressed! Pictures the same day! :)

I love cupcakes

Heavy Reading for a One Year Old