Sunday, November 11, 2007

The long awaited, Halloween Pictures

James was a doggy, he was very excited although not sure why. We visited about six houses, then came home and passed out candy.

Just so you know, I have had these downloaded since november 1, sorry it took so long.

Getting Ready to Go!

Bouncy! Now we are getting excited!

Going up the front stairs (I was still inside and he did not want to leave without me.

Have to be careful!

Watch wear you walk!

Just precious, if you ask me, but I am a little bias.


Anonymous said...

What a cutie!!

Anonymous said...

Percious yes, but a doggie with a passie is a new on to me! LOL

Anonymous said...

And now we need Thanksgiving pictures! Hope you're having fun at home...

I love cupcakes

Heavy Reading for a One Year Old