Tuesday, December 4, 2007

It's Been a While

Well, I guess I should not be surprised that I only have only a few loyal blog readers when I fail to post for at least two weeks. Things have been busy, but alas, not really to the point that I should not have at least blogged a few times.

Alex, James and I went home for Thanksgiving. We were lucky and got to be in Ohio for the whole week. It was wonderful visiting family and friends and it was hard to leave when it it was time to return to KC. That being said, there is nothing like being in your own home. James did really great at Grandma and Grandpa's, he took to the toddler bed they got for him right away and he loved playing with his aunts. Overall, he was a little disturbed about why Aunt Jen and Mommy sound so much alike, but he got over it. I will hopefully have some pictures up soon of our grand adventures in Ohio, including our trip to Newport Aquarium, where James ran from tank to tank shouting "ish!" He loved the fish, it was so much fun seeing him so excited.

Things have been kind of quiet around here since we have returned.

In pregnancy related news, the second child is slightly more finnicky about what mommy eats and drinks. As a result, I am currently not able to drink coffee. As soon as I stopped drinking it, I stopped getting sick in the morning. Some of you may wonder about the advisability of drinking coffee while pregnant anyway, but while pregnant with James, I drank my normal 1 cup a day with doctor's approval, but alas, that is not to be this time around. However, there is still tea! Second, I no longer like zuchinni, it is not so much the effect on my body, but I actually don't like the taste any more. On the bright side, knock on wood, my neck is not yet pimple playland, so that is a small favor. It is true what they say about the second one though, while I am still in all of my clothes, my gut is decidedly pooched, much more so than last time around. I go to the doctor on Friday and hopefully should be able to hear the heartbeat, as I am now 10 weeks along.


Anonymous said...

Hooray! A post... and a heartbeat! How very exciting... I'll try to call soon, I promise (though Sarah and Dan are going to be here this weekend which will keep me busy!).

Alice said...

Yep, I keep checking!! Know you had fun in Ohio and now you can have fun in the snow at home. James will love that this year too!
ps you got the same problem as Jenna. Back to only asking for a goole account!

I love cupcakes

Heavy Reading for a One Year Old