Saturday, December 8, 2007


So, I know I am month late on the "what I am thankful for" but I think any day is good day to express what you are thankful for.

Today, I am thankful for many things, the first is an amazing loving husband who would do anything to make me and James ok.

The second, although of course not really second, is my son, James. His unconditional love, hugs and kisses, make everything better.

Last and certainly not least are my dearest friends and family, who love me so much, are so comforting, and who would drop anything to be there for me. While I always know they are there for me, it is sometimes truly overwhelming to know I have so many great people who care. So thank you everyone.


Anonymous said...

We love you and are always thinking about!

Anonymous said...

More thoughts coming your way.

I love cupcakes

Heavy Reading for a One Year Old