Thursday, March 6, 2008

Sick is me

Well, I have yet been able to kick a nasty little bug that I have had for about 2 weeks now. I was actually doing quite well at the end of the week, was really good all weekend and then on Tuesday it came back! So, I started some anti-biotics, the ones I was supposed to be taking all along and did not, and have to suffer through. I would not mind so much, but I think I may have given it James and it is a nasty thing with a terrible cough. This translates into James not sleeping well, which means no one sleeps well.

Other than that things are going well. I am just trying to keep my head down at work and get the job done. I am supposed to hear something from Indianapolis towards the end of the month, I am hoping around Easter, but until then it is status quo and Alex and I are in a holding pattern until then. I just keep hoping and praying that God will lead us in the right direction. After all, it is completely out of my hands now.

I hope everyone is doing well and in better health than I! I am sooo ready for Spring!


Alice said...

See why Mommy should be good examples and take their drugs?? So they don't make thier kids sick!
Get better You didn't seem to bad when you were here but that stress may have broght it back!!

Anonymous said...

I'm ready for spring too! I woke up this morning and the first thing I told Reid is "I'm ready for it to be warm outside." But from what I've been told before we get to the warm here we have to go through the winds! Uggh... anyway, get better!

I love cupcakes

Heavy Reading for a One Year Old