Monday, July 23, 2007

Harry Potter and My mother-in-laws "new house"

Well, I finished Harry Potter last night at 9:00. I could not have done it without a great deal of cooperation from my husband and James. Although James tried very hard to give me his books to read instead, and I did as I always do, begin to read his and after 3 pages, he walks away.

As some or most of you know, my in-laws are getting divorced. Fortunately, now the decision has been made, they are not attempting to drag it out and make it bad. In fact, my father-in-law bought my mother-in-law a new house. She is downsizing to 4000 sq. feet. The link for some of you who are interested is below, just copy and paste and it should take you to the listing. There are not very many pictures. Overall though, Alex and I very pleased with her choice of location because instead of being 25 miles away, she will only be five miles, and I believe the new place will ease the transition for her.


Anonymous said...

It's a beautiful home... and it will be great that she will be so close to you! How far away will she be from her other grandson?

Anonymous said...

It's time for a new Jamie post!! Tell us about cute things James is doing... or anything else!

I love cupcakes

Heavy Reading for a One Year Old