Tuesday, July 17, 2007

On the mend....

I am still not back to work but definitely on the mend. I am on a great deal of medication which includes hydrocodone and valium and some other medications. Needless to say, I am not awake very much. In fact, in the past 72 hours, I would say that I have been awake for about 22 of those hours. On the bright side, all that sleeping has allowed me to continue healing. I am definitley feeling better and have begun to back off the meds...just for any wondering eyes they are all prescribed medications.

I plan on doing some work from home today. My mommy is leaving me tomorrow, so that will be difficult. She is heading to Indianapolis, picking up the Doty crew and heading to Middletown for the great balloon race.

James has been a golden child while Mommy has been sick. He plays alot on his own in the living room and comes and hangs out with me on the couch and gives me big hugs and kisses which is definitley the best medicine. Dadddy has also been a hero, taking care of bath and bedtimes.

That is all from here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Alright... I guess you can't be expecting to have too much to update if you are asleep 3/4 of the time! :)

I love cupcakes

Heavy Reading for a One Year Old