Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Christmas Pictures.... Finally!

Christmas morning began with this oddly shaped gift, what did Santa bring?

We find out that Santa brought us a chair, but we seem a little confused.

After trying out our chair..get OOOH LEGOS!

Ahh..this is what Christmas is really about.

And finally, my favorite...."I got a new hat!"

Here are some other favorite pictures from the holidays

Christmas with Grandpa Larry, 3 generations hard at work.

Taking down the Christmas tree...James was a big help.

This was a few nights ago, hanging out in the laundry basket on Sundays (laundry day)has become a favorite past time.

Did I mention James has started to cheese it up just like mom and dad!


Anonymous said...

Wow does he look grown-up in that last picture!

Alice said...

Don't get upset with me but I think he looks like his uncle in that last picture!!
Mom 2

I love cupcakes

Heavy Reading for a One Year Old