Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Pictures soon, but first a VOCBULARY LESSON

Today I read a court opinion out of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals (California), published in 1999. I generally ready about a dozen cases a week, but I took particular delight in this one due to the vocubulary exercise it provided. While reading this opinion, I have had to look up the following words, let me know how many of them you actually know.

1. allonges
2. mendacity
3. insouciant
4. sortie (kind of knew this one but looked it up to make sure)
5. bulwarks
6. ossify (again, I double checked this one, it meant what I thought it meant)
7. bevue (this one is not listed in any on-line dictionary, maybe it's a typo?)

Other words used, that I know the meaning of but still would not necessarily be used in everyday conversation:

1. ubiquitous
2. fulcrum
3. parries
4. the phrase “sallies forth”
5. immolate
6. pyre


Alice said...

1,2,3 - no idea!
The rest I think I know!!

Anonymous said...

Impressive... I want to try to pretend like i knew any of them!

Anonymous said...
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I love cupcakes

Heavy Reading for a One Year Old