Saturday, May 31, 2008

Kind of a long week

Well, it has been kind of a long week here. Alex had to go Indiana again this week to learn his new job. Both he and I will be starting on June 9th. That left me at home with James, which up to this point has not been a problem. However, this week, when James came home from daycare on Tuesday, he was acting very, very lethargic. He was also very hot to the touch. I took this temperature, and it was 101.5. Now, James has had a fever before, but I had never seen him so taken down by it. His breathing was kind of labored, his eyes were just pouring water and he would not move. In short, it was freaking me out. I called Alex a few times, and then decided to take him to Urgent Care at 7:00 we got to Urgent Care. We left at 10:45. It was diagnosed as just a virus. However, his glands were swollen, so they had to do a "rapid" strep test. I wwould use the word "rapid" very lightly. James did however have a nasty looking ear which the doctor believed was going to be an ear infection without question, so we did get some amoxcilin. Luckily, James slept from 8:00 to 9:30, but I did not get a nap at Urgent Care. I did however get the popsicle that James would not eat. James went to bed at 11:00 on Tuesday night. I went to bed shortly thereafter after a shower. Unfortunately, that is not the end of the story. James has not slept well all week due to the fever, which hung on until yesterday. He has night terrors every night. This generally requires me to wake him up to get him to calm down, which is sometimes not very easy. I also got sick with some throat thing along with some lovely sores on the roof of my mouth that made it diffucult to eat (I know gross!). I also ended up at the Walgreens clinic (it was quicker than the regular doctor.) I went to make sure I did not have strep throat, mine rapid test was also negative. Furthermore, the nurse practioner was also kind enough to rule out herpes as the problem in my mouth. (Gee thanks! I am not sure where she thought my mouth had been). In the end, I do not know who was happier to see Alex when he walked in the door last night- me or James because we are quite at our wits end with each other.

Even this morning after a fight over waffles that I am not quite sure was about except the fact that James does not like syrup, I, not my two year old yelled for Alex to come intervene. I felt I was tattling! Oh well. In the end I think nerves are running high this week since we leave for Indiana for good on Wednesday and the little guy obviously has picked up on mama's tension.


Jenna said...

I like the popsicle comment. Also, just fyi, cold sores of the mouth are a form of herpes... it's a different strand (not HPV) and you can get it from having contact with the virus with your mouth (through kissing, or I believe, even just sharing drinking items, etc... or you can have it passed from mother to child in utero (thanks mom!).

Alice said...

OH Jenna, Just wait till you have a daughter!!!!!
And Jamie, soon all of you will be over here and things will get better.
Hang in there and see you Wens.

Jamie said...

I know cold sores are kind of herpes, but what I have is simply a little ulcer type thing on the top of my mouth. Much more glamorous than herpes.

Alice said...

if they're little white things, I've had them all my life and they hurt but don't do anything. but they are contagious, so don't share with James.

Jenna said...

I'm thinking about you this week... let us know when you get to Indy, okay? :)

Jenna said...

Good luck at work tomorrow!

Jenna said...

Send me the listing info on the house!

I love cupcakes

Heavy Reading for a One Year Old