Friday, May 16, 2008

Mother's Day

I am little behind on my mother's day report, but here it is. I had a lovely mother's day. Alex, James and I went to brunch with Grandma Jo, Aunt Andi, Uncle Jason and Brannon. I took full advantage of the buffet. After brunch, Alex, James and I came home and all took a nap. That was very nice. I think I may be getting a mother's day gift still from my husband. When I asked him at approximately 5:00 p.m. on mother's day "So, I guess I did not get a mother's day present?" The response was "I didn't say that", but I have also heard nothing since, so I don't know. Regardless, it was a lovely day. Also, my parents sent a beautiful bouquet of 2 dozen roses. Here are the pictures of the flowers which are now sitting in my entry way, welcoming prospective buyers.

1 comment:

Jenna said...

Beautiful! Come on perspective buyers!

I love cupcakes

Heavy Reading for a One Year Old