Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Well, I went to the OB today and I am very obviously glad to say that we heard a heartbeat and everything appears to be fine. The doctor had no problem finding it and it was around 167 beats per minute (another boy?) which is a really good heart rate. I am now at 11 weeks so the doctor said that upon hearing the heartbeat, most of the "danger" has passed. That is percentage speaking, the likelihood of something happening is low. I actually cried when I heard the heartbeat. I had no idea how much I was really worried until I finally heard it and knew that it was ok. I am also doing ok, although I have not gained any weight, the doctor was not concerned but told me to expect a decent gain spurt here in about a month. I have defintitely "popped" and for those who know me, my acne is a sure fire indication that I am indeed pregnant. The acne is in fact worse then it was with James. I currently have more now than I did at five months with James (again, another boy?). We shall see. That is my news, I now most go do something from productive. People keep telling me I am moving in two weeks.


JayD said...

I thought I heard a big sigh :-)

Alice said...

Great news and yes, you are moving in two weeks. Doesn't seem real does it?? LOL

Anonymous said...

Hooray! Glad that you are relieved... that might help your weight gain some (though the move certainly won't)!

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